booking with Timm
Important Information
This page contains all the crucial information you need before booking with Timm. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact him at the shop by filling out the Tattoo Inquiry Form. We will be happy to provide you with all the information needed and answer any questions.
My Rates
$1,600 for a Full Day
$800 for a Half Day
$ Per Piece
What is my artistic preference?
If you would like to memorialize a loved one, a family pet or a object or image you hold dear then I’d absolutely love to hear from you.
Please DO NOT send any deposits until we have agreed on an appointment and design, as they are NOT REFUNDABLE under any circumstance.
I usually book out a few months in advance. With the summer months being further out than the winter months.
Additional Information
Larger Tattoos
- For larger work such as sleeves and back pieces, it is important to understand that it is a commitment both financially and of our time. Appointments are set every four to six weeks until the completion of your tattoo unless other arrangements have been made in advance. I recommend booking all your appointments at once to avoid ending up at the end of the list. Only one deposit is taken and will be carried over to each sitting until the completion of your design. This deposit will be credited towards your last and final payment or it may be rolled over to your next tattoo.

Smaller Tattoos
- Smaller, one-sitting tattoos will be priced per piece and the price will be agreed upon before an appointment is made. If my hourly rate applies then it will be $200hr.

Send a Message
Visit Us
56 NH Route 25
Meredith, New Hampshire, 03253
Get In Touch
Open Hours
Sunday – Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday – Saturday: 10 am – 6 pm